Maintenance precautions and methods for programmable constant temperature and humidity boxes


The maintenance of a programmable constant temperature and humidity box should pay attention to the following aspects:

1. Storage environment: The storage environment of a programmable constant temperature and humidity box should be between 5-35 degrees Celsius, with good ventilation and humidity below 85%

2. Wet bulb water level inspection and adjustment: The accuracy of the wet bulb water level should be maintained at around 6 minutes.

3. The wiring terminals of electrical components should also be fixed regularly (for those with electrician knowledge to carry out).

4. Cleaning and maintenance:

 & Nbsp& Nbsp* Cleaning and maintenance inside and outside the constant temperature and humidity test chamber:

 & Nbsp& Nbsp& Nbsp; a. Maintain the bucket of water, conduct about 3 tests, and clean once

 & Nbsp& Nbsp& Nbsp; b. Try washing the box once, using banana water or cleaning during cleaning

 & Nbsp& Nbsp& Nbsp; c. The distribution room should be cleaned at least once a year. During cleaning, it can be manually cleaned or cleaned with a vacuum cleaner to remove indoor dust

 & Nbsp& Nbsp& Nbsp; d. The outside of the box should also be cleaned at least once a year, and detergent can be used instead of banana water

 & Nbsp* The humidification system must regularly clean pipelines, humidification buckets, water level cups, and water tanks. Please pay attention to using purified water or filtered tap water, and do not use tap water directly because there are too many impurities in tap water, which can easily block the water pipe

5. Voltage and Ventilation: The voltage in the working environment of the constant temperature and humidity test box must be stable. If the voltage is unstable, it will cause the current to be too high or too low. Prolonged operation in this situation will cause great damage to the compressor.

. The working environment should be well ventilated and free of dust, and the compressor should be cleaned regularly

6. Avoid frequent starts: When using a constant temperature and humidity test chamber, do not frequently start the compressor, and the interval between compressor starts should be at least 15 minutes.

7. Usage environment: The ground is flat, well ventilated, free of flammable, explosive, corrosive dust, and there is no strong electromagnetic radiation source nearby. The ambient temperature is controlled between 5 ℃ to 30 ℃ (average temperature within 24 hours is ≤ 30 ℃), and the humidity is controlled at ≤ 85% RH.

8. Check the over temperature protection device: The maximum set value for over temperature protection is increased by 20 ℃~30 ℃. When the temperature rises beyond the over temperature protection device, it will automatically stop running.

9. The radiator (condenser) of the freezer should be regularly maintained and kept clean.

. Powerful AIR can be used to remove dust and increase heat dissipation (every six months)

Through the above maintenance steps, the service life and stability of the programmable constant temperature and humidity box can be effectively improved.

. For more information, it is recommended to consult professional technicians or refer to the equipment user manual